Six by Six FreeCell is played with a standard deck of 52 cards.
Turning one card at a time to the Waste
Turning three cards at once to the Waste
Klondike Double
Klondike Triple
Klondike Double
Klondike Triple
Try to finish the game with a single pass through the deck
Three passes through the deck are allowed
Unlimited passes through the deck
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Six by Six FreeCell is played with a standard deck of 52 cards.
Deal 4 columns with 9 cards each and 2 columns with 8 cards each. Every card is dealt face-up and slightly overlaps the one above it.
Leave space above the Tableau for 6 Cells and 4 Foundation Piles, arranged in a single row.
Complete the Foundation Piles by piling cards of the same suit in ascending order (from Ace to King).
Find the Aces and build the Foundation Piles while working with fewer columns.
The additional Cells make Six by Six FreeCell a fairly easy game. It’s a great option if you’re in the mood for some casual gameplay that’s still based on skill.
In Six by Six FreeCell, the Tableau consists of 4 columns with 9 cards each and 2 columns with 8 cards each.
Stack each card so it only partially covers the one above it.
Every card in the Tableau is dealt face-up.
Leave room above the Tableau for 6 Cells and 4 Foundation Piles, arranged in a single row.
Your goal is to complete the Foundation Piles. You win when all the cards have been removed from the Cells and Tableau.
Cards in the Tableau can only be stacked in alternating colors. Cards with a red suit (Hearts or Diamonds) can only be placed under cards with a black suit (Clubs or Spades), and vice-versa.
You can only stack a card below a card that is one rank higher. For example, a 6 can only be placed under a 7.
Empty spaces in the Tableau can be filled by any card.
Stacked cards cannot be moved together unless there is enough room in the Tableau to move each card individually.
Any card at the bottom of a column in the Tableau can be moved to an empty Cell.
Cards can be moved out of the Cells at any point in the game, so long as there is a suitable place for it in the Tableau or on a Foundation Pile.
Each Cell can only hold a single card. Cards cannot be stacked in the Cells
An empty space in the Foundation Piles can only be filled by an Ace.
To build a Foundation Pile, add a card of the same suit that is one rank higher than the one at the top of the pile.
For example, if the top card is the 7 of Clubs only the 8 of Clubs can be added to it.
You can build Foundation Piles using cards from the Tableau or the Cells.
A Foundation Pile is complete when it has all 13 cards of the same suit in the following order: Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King.
Cards cannot be moved out of the Foundation Piles.
Deal 4 columns with 9 cards each and 2 columns with 8 cards, all face-up and slightly overlapping the card above it.
Leave 6 spaces above the Tableau for the Cells.
Leave 4 more spaces above the Tableau for the Foundation Piles.
Cards in the Tableau can only be stacked under cards with a different color suit.
Cards in the Tableau can only be placed under cards that are one rank higher.
Move a card to an empty Cell to make room in the Tableau.
Empty spaces in the Tableau can be filled by any card.
Build each Foundation Pile by adding cards of the same suit in ascending rank (Ace to King). You win when all the Foundation Piles are complete!
Having only six columns makes Six by Six FreeCell feel a bit claustrophobic, but the two extra Cells give you some breathing room. That makes for a balanced game with fresh challenges that don’t get too overwhelming.
Use these tips to sharpen your gameplay and improve your chances of winning:
Before making your first move, locate the Aces in the Tableau. Try to uncover the lowest one first.
In a typical game of FreeCell, your vacant Cells fill up quickly. In Six by Six, you can use them more liberally to help you shift cards in the Tableau.
Rushing through the game is a recipe for losing. Six by Six FreeCell rewards patient gameplay, so take your time and plan your moves carefully.
Looking for more ways to have fun? Try these other great games:
Spider Solitaire (1 Suit) — A laid-back version of the classic game!
Dark Pyramid Solitaire — Pyramid Solitaire with a challenging twist!
Two-Deck FreeCell — Double the cards, double the fun!
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